Schema therapy is a therapeutic approach that focuses on identifying and addressing negative patterns or schemas that develop in childhood and persist into adulthood. These schemas are deeply ingrained beliefs and emotional patterns that influence how individuals perceive and respond to the world and the people around them.

The therapy aims to help people understand and change these maladaptive schemas through a combination of cognitive, behavioral, and experiential techniques. By exploring and challenging these negative patterns, individuals can develop healthier coping mechanisms and build more positive ways of thinking and behaving.

It can be beneficial for people who have tried other therapeutic approaches without significant improvement. It's designed to address deeply rooted, early life patterns and beliefs that contribute to emotional distress and interpersonal difficulties. So, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather tailored for those with more complex and entrenched issues.

In essence, schema therapy helps people break free from longstanding emotional and behavioral patterns, fostering personal growth and improved well-being.